Hi, I am Dwane Diblie
I love my eldar and have been playing since the day the first warp spiders where releaased. I also have dabbeled in Dark Eldar, Imperial Guard, Necrons, Orks, Sisters of Battle, Tau, Thousand Sones and Tyranids. Oh, and of courst the obligtary Space Marines. I still have functioning Orks and Imperial Guard armies at the moment. I also have my one Space Marine Chapter that I am inteding to show here and is part of the reason for the site. I aslo play Bretonians, Necromunda, Gorka Morka, Mordenheim, Blood Bowl and Space Hulk.
I have my design that was inired by the Chapter Traites originaly. I wanted lots of assult marines. But, that changed to wanting lots of tactical marines with jump packs. Now there are no codicies out there that cover this style of play. Sure blood angles comes close with death company and comand squads, but that was not enough.
I am looking forward to seeing how this site turns out and what is going to happen here. Realy want to see others oppinions on eldar and what we can make from it.